Net Metering

Net Metering-Distributed Generation
100kW or less
“Net-Metering and Easy Connect”

如果您有兴趣申请与韦伯斯特电力合作公司(合作)电力系统的互连, 您应首先与合作社联系,询问有关并网分布式发电机组(如.e. hydrogen fuel cell; or generating system powered the by sun, wind or biomass) to the Cooperative’s system. 在进行项目之前,了解这些信息是很重要的. (*任何消费者未经书面批准而与任何零售电力供应商并联和同步供电,可立即切断电力供应,而无需另行通知.)

密苏里州的净计量规则和条例是基于1月1日生效的新立法, 2008. “净计量和简单连接”指出,分布式发电主要是抵消部分或全部客户发电机自己的电能需求. 按当月从公用事业公司购买的电量为电网上的所有能源支付(计入)全部零售价格. For example, 消费者投入电网的所有千瓦时将从当月从合作社购买的总电量中扣除. 客户只需支付按适用标准费率计算的“净”差额. 避免成本是支付所有的能源投入电网超过当月的购买. 超过购买的金额可以作为客户账单上的信用,最长可达1年. That month’s credit will expire if not used within 1 year or at the time of disconnect. All standard service availability fees still apply.

Avoided cost is calculated monthly by Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI), the Cooperative’s power supplier. 这个成本是当月使用AECI使用的所有发电源产生一千瓦时电力的实际成本.

For example, in 2006, this cost of generation ranged from $.023 to $.052/kWh/month.

用户不再需要为分布式发电机组购买责任险. In fact, 新法律规定,任何发电机组的制造商都可能对因发电机组缺陷造成的任何财产或人身损失负责.

合作社仍然强烈建议客户生产者考虑责任保险. If there was a malfunction, 客户生成器可能会在诉讼中被指定为到达制造商的渠道. 新法律明确规定,零售电力供应商在没有明确和令人信服的过错证据的情况下不承担责任.

As a protection for the Missouri customer-generator, any seller, installer, 和/或歪曲任何发电机组的安全或性能标准的制造商可能会在报告后由州检察长进行调查.
分布式发电机组产生的所有电力将首先在成员发电机现场使用. 任何多余的电力都将返回电网,并使用位于会员发电机常规家庭电表基地的特殊电表进行记录. The cost of this meter will be paid by the member-generator. An estimated cost of the special electric meter is available upon request.

Steps to take if you are interested in Distributed Generation:

1) Talk to the Member Services Department at Webster Electric Cooperative. They will provide information to help you make an informed decision.
2) Make sure you are involved with a reputable dealer and installer. 确保他们了解所有当地法规以及所有适用的州法规的要求, rules and/or regulations. 除其他事项外,这些要求旨在保持安全性和系统可靠性.
Some of the requirements include but are not limited to the following:
      UL 1741, IEEE 929-2000, IEEE 1547
硬件及其安装必须符合所有适用的国家电气安全规范(NESC)。, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) requirements.
The requirements also include a visible, 分布式发电机组在计量点或会员与合作社商定的其他地点可进入合作社的可锁安全断开.
3) 向你的保险代理人查询客户-发电机分布式发电机组的责任保险. This is not required but highly recommended.

4) Acquire an 100kW系统互连及净计量的应用与协议 or Less and fill out sections A, B, C, D, and F. This is outlined in the agreement. This will require you to give the Cooperative:
• Your personal information
• The member-generators system information including but not limited to system type, manufacturer, system plans and specifications, county/city permit numbers, IEEE 1547 compatible inverter details, disconnect location, and a site specific power flow diagram.
If the rated output of the system is less than or equal to 10 kW, 合作社自收到申请之日起30天内决定是否批准. If more than 10 kW, the time frame is 90 days. If denied, the member will be provided with a reason(s) for denial.
5) Contact the local inspection service for a permit.
6) Install the system.
7) Contact the local inspection service for a final inspection. Also, 当系统按照申请书中所述的计划和规格安装时, 成员生成器需要完成申请的H部分,并将完成的申请转发给合作社,以便审查和完成第I部分.
8) The Cooperative will complete section I, 并提供支付任何适用费用和/或援助建筑费用的安排, the Cooperative will, within 15 days, 将成员发电机系统与主动服务连接到合作社的电力系统.

适用于承担现有成员生成器系统所有权或操作控制权的成员, 填妥A部份后,须取得容量为100千瓦或以下的系统互连及净计量申请书及协议,B,C,D,F,G, and H. The Cooperative has 15 days to approve or reject the new agreement.

Note: This is a general overview of the process for interconnecting for net metering. Please contact the Cooperative for complete details.

The member-generator is requested, at least once every year, 进行测试,确认净计量单元在与零售电力供应商系统断开连接后2秒内自动停止给输出通电(互联设备输出电压归零). The member-generator should maintain a record of these tests and, upon request, shall provide a copy of the test results to the retail electric supplier.
(*SENATE BILL NO. 54 386.890 Net Metering and Easy Connect).

For more help, please contact:

Tom Houston
Webster Electric Cooperative
PO Box 87 120 Vivian St
Marshfield, MO 65706

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Marshfield, MO 65706

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8 a.m. to 5 p.m.